These programs are offered virtually to all registered Yom Limmud attendees.
Register for the Zoom
10-11 AM Women in Protest: Demanding Change, Israeli Women Taking to the Streets-Professor Paul Litz
11:30 AM-12:30 PMYom Limmud – Rock of Israel- Professor Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin
2-3 PM An Insider’s Look into How Israel can win on the military and media battlefields-Gil Hoffman
Livestream will be available on Sunday
9-10 AM Lainie Kazan-Up Close and Personal
Jason McKinney singing during opening program with Cantor Fleibusch
10:15-11:15 AM My Favorite Songs-Jason McKinney
12:45-1:45 PM The history, present, and future of the Abayudaya Jewish Community of Uganda-Shoshani Nambi
2-3 PM Poetry: Crucibles of Grief, Burden, and Loss-Gabrielle Langley