Sunday, February 20th, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Devar Acher: Unusual Interpretations of a Few Favorite Bible Stories



Eve was the hero of the Garden of Eden Story. Abraham misunderstand God’s test. One of the Ten Commandments explicitly condemns child abuse and maybe a few more as time permits?

Rabbi Stuart Federow


After serving as the Houston Hillel director, 1989-1995, Rabbi Federow came to Congregation Shaar Hashalom in Clear Lake. He is the author of and and the book, Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast, which is available in Spanish, Judaismo Y Cristianismo: Un Contraste. He is the founder and co-host of A Show Of Faith, a live call-in talk show with a Catholic priest and a Baptist minister. It has been on the air in Houston since 2004, and can be heard on AM 1070 The Answer, Sunday nights, 7:00 to 9:00.