March 08, 2020 10:00AM - 1:00PM
10 am | Registration
10:30 am | Networking & Brunch
11:15 am | Program Begins
$25 Online | $35 Door
*Price includes a copy of Brad Deutser’s book, Leading Clarity
The 2020 Annual YAD Business and Professional Networking Brunch will feature Brad Deutser, Author of Leading Clarity: the Breakthrough Strategy to Unleash People, Profit and Performance.
Deutser is also the Founder, President and CEO of Deutser, an award-winning management consulting firm that works with leaders to creategreat companies inside and out. He will share insight on how to stay relevant in today’s dynamic world, no matter what field you’re in!
This brunch is a valuable program for young professionals, allowing you to take a step back from your day to day jobs. You’ll have a chance to reflect and ask, ‘What is really important to me? Am I doing what I need to be doing to get where I want to be in one, five, or ten years? What changes can I make to improve my career path, and who here can help me achieve those goals?’
So, come ready to learn something new and to put into action the advice you find most helpful!
Register BEFORE March 1 for a chance to win a framed & autographed James Harden jersey or a Dubin’s Fine Jewelry item!