June 28, 2020 5:00PM - 6:00PM
“A History of Jews In Russia” is a ten-week class that will be live on Zoom at 5 PM beginning on May 10.
The class will begin with begin with the partitions of Poland and the creation of the Pale of Settlement. We will move through the beginning of modernity, the Bolshevik Revolution, World War II and the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the fall of Communism.
We will explore enduring themes that have come to define Russian Jewry.
Presenter Aaron Howard is a staff writer with the Jewish Herald-Voice. He has presented a number of Jewish History courses at the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning at the ERJCC.
Class takes place Sundays at 5 PM. Please visit the Brith Shalom website for week-by-week curriculum details.