Courage: in a Politically Correct World
Gimilut Chasadim
Parsha Ki Tisa teaches that leadership requires the courage to go against the crowd, as Aaron failed to do when the Israelites built the golden calf. Today it takes great courage to stand up to false narratives from trusted brands like the New York Times or CNN, from our communities and social media. Even anti-Israel and antisemitic ideas may seem untouchable but they always can and should be challenged: even (in fact especially!) when it takes courage. We will analyze HonestReporting’s work and methods, and how anyone can build the knowledge (and courage!) to change the world.
Daniel Pomerantz
As CEO of HonestReporting, Daniel manages all aspects of the organization, ensuring media accuracy regarding Israel through critiques, direct coordination with journalists, missions to Israel, and pro-active communication on social and conventional media.
Daniel began his career as an attorney in New York and Chicago, and now serves on the adjunct faculty at the Reichman and Bar Ilan Universities. Daniel has written for Newsweek and The Jerusalem Post, among other outlets, and is a frequent on-air guest at i24news and ILTV News on issues of media, news and international law.
You can reach Daniel on Twitter: @danielspeaksup or @honestreporting
This session is being provided through a generous grant from the Joan and Stanford Alexander Family Israel Programming Fund of Congregation Beth Israel, Houston.