May 16, 2021 7:00PM - 9:30PM
This session will be an extended one, that will aim to conclude at 9:30 pm but everyone is invited to “stay” longer (but only if you’d like)! In the spirit of the Kabbalistic tradition of Tikun Leil Shavuot – a night for study and repair, we will study for a longer period of time than usual, inviting God’s holy presence into our midst as we engage in the study of Torah for the sake of self-discovery and communal connection. Please join us!
For more about Mussar, see below.
Much of Jewish tradition focuses on our deeds and rightly so. Less enamored by belief, the measurement of one who applies well to her Jewish life the requirements and expectations of being God’s partner in creation is what we mean when we talk about “doing Jewish.” But the doing of deeds is meant to draw from and build into being, character traits, as each day we are invited to become more human and therefore more humane. My colleague, Rabbi Barry Block has recently edited and published a book entitled, “The Mussar Torah Commentary, A Spiritual Path to Living a Meaningful Life.” To purchase the book, just check it out on the great Jewish bookstore in the sky – the Internet.