Right now, young people are trying to navigate the world as anti-Israel and sometimes antisemitic protests on college campuses are increasing, forcing classes and finals online and canceling graduations at universities across the country. This activity is now taking place at high schools as well.
At the heart of Jewish Federation of Greater Houston’s work, we prioritize our community’s physical and psychological safety and protect Jewish life in Houston, Israel, and around the world. We fight antisemitism through security trainings and safety consultations, through teen programming, through advocacy at the state and local levels, through educational trips, presentations, and conversations, and by working with our local and national agency partners. Many parents have reached out to learn more about how to support their own student-aged children, and we wanted to provide the following resources:
Checklist to Combat and Prevent Antisemitism:
To Report an Incident:
Local Houston Community Organizations:
ADL – https://southwest.adl.org/
AIPAC – https://www.aipac.org/
AJC – https://www.ajc.org/houston
Holocaust Museum Houston – https://hmh.org/
For Parents and Administrators:
The National Association of School Psychologists: Responding to civil unrest in schools
The National Association of School Psychologists: School Safety and Crisis: Mental Health Resources
Psychology Today: Can Empathy Heal Democracy?
Unpacked for Educators (or parents): Understanding the War
For Students:
Unpacked/Open Dor Media Project: A guide to understanding the war for students
Unpacked: The Anti-Israel College Protests Explained
Holocaust Museum Houston – Contact WWarren@HMH.org
- Educator in Motion – This free program for schools and community groups offer direct instruction from HMH educators on a variety of topics, including antisemitism. https://hmh.org/education/programs-and-curriculum/educator-in-motion/
- Holocaust Remembrance Toolkit – The toolkit includes 5 full lessons and 5 micro lessons on different aspects of the Holocaust. This free resource can be downloaded through the HMH website. https://hmh.org/education/holocaust-remembrance-toolkit/
- Young Upstanders Toolkit – This toolkit allows elementary teachers to bring the lessons of the Holocaust to their students in an age-appropriate way. https://hmh.org/education/young-upstanders-toolkit/
- E-Books Program – A free school program that uses literature to support Holocaust, antisemitism, human rights, and character education for K-12 classrooms. There is also a Teacher Collection – https://hmh.org/education/ebooks/
- Field Trips – Holocaust Museum Houston offers in-person and virtual tours for students and adults. https://hmh.org/visit/tours/
- Engines of Change Student Ambassador Program – This program is for high school students who want to engage in current issues in society. It is a leadership program grounded in the lessons of the Holocaust. https://hmh.org/education/programs-and-curriculum/engines-of-change/
AJC – Contact Schneiderr@ajc.org
- Toolskit for Parents of Jewish Middle and High School Students:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gvdpxeoNVOkzT3nz97Eo8NgsB0XWSrY2/edit
- Guidance for K-12 School Administrators:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1svWxFVHOEgkTNShVETv2GX34RC0qTWRubJ-E7Xv_AWs/edit
ADL – Contact chenderson@adl.org
- We work in partnership with schools, organizations and communities to design and deliver anti-bias education, both online and in person. When we learn, as individuals, how to challenge bias, discrimination and hate – together, we have the capacity to foster equity and inclusion: https://www.adl.org/about/education
- A student-inspired school-wide program to create a more equitable and inclusive school climate, catered to a school’s unique culture and needs. https://www.noplaceforhate.org
- Incident Response Resources for K-12 Schools: https://www.adl.org/school-incident-response-resources
- Anti-Bias Curriculum Guides: https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-and-strategies/anti-bias-curriculum-guides
- Explore these interactive, online resources designed for you to learn and engage in topics about bias, bullying, identity, social justice and allyship. Learn on your own or with classmates or share with friends. You can move at your own pace, pausing and resuming as needed: https://www.adl.org/student-learning
- Identity-Based Bullying Resource: https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-and-strategies/identity-based-bullying-listening-young-people
Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston – Contact jbernstein@imgh.org
- The Interfaith Relations and Community Partnerships Department of Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston is pleased to present “Welcome to Our House” educational videos that showcase common elements of houses of worship in different faiths. The series is sponsored by The Eleanor and Frank Freed Foundation with additional support from Debbie and Floyd Kearns. These videos explore the common elements of the diverse houses of worship right here in Greater Houston. We hope these videos serve as a valuable resource for student, corporate, community, and faith groups and individuals of all backgrounds seeking to better understand our faith and culture: https://www.imgh.org/welcome-to-our-house/